The input directory must contain the following files (provided for the catchment case study):

Forcing time series

Purpose: The file forcefile (called in the catchment case study) contains the input data in a 2D (resp. 3D) arrays for modeling at the catchment (resp. grid) scale. The name of this file is made by appending the suffix_forcing defined in the FILEMANAGER (see B) to the basin ID (see E $2).

Requirements: The dimension of the NetCDF files will determine if FUSE is run at the catchment or grid-scale. FUSE will look for the variables lat and lon and if they are arrays, it will run on the grid they define. This means that NetCDF input files for a single catchment must also include the variables lat and lon.

Format: NetCDF

Elevation bands

Purpose: The file BFILE (called in the catchment case study) describe the elevation bands required when the snow module is on. The dimensions of this file must match that of forcefile. The name of this file is made by appending the suffix_elev_bands defined in the FILEMANAGER (see B) to the basin ID (see E $2).
