Parameter estimation modes

Parameter values can be set in different ways by using the following values for the third argument:

Run using default parameter values - run_def

The default parameter values defined in (add link to table) will be used, e.g.:

./fuse.exe fm_catch.txt us_09066300 run_def

Calibrate parameters using SCE - calib_sce

Parameter values will be estimated using SCE (see parameters in file managers) and saved in the output file ending in, e.g.:

./fuse.exe fm_catch.txt us_09066300 calib_sce

Run using the best SCE parameter set - run_best

The best paramter set will be retrieved and used, the outfile will end, e.g.:

./fuse.exe fm_catch.txt us_09066300 run_best

Run using pre-defined parameter values - run_pre

FUSE will be run using pre-defined parameter sets, which will on the same grid as the input files, the outfile will end, e.g.:

./fuse.exe fm_catch.txt us_09066300 run_pre XXX